Sunday, November 28, 2004

even though it wasnt smooth sailing. things are fine (:
happy evelyn :D

all said & done 1:59 AM.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

hopefully everything's well.

all said & done 6:38 PM.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

everyone out there.
im feeling very.. i dunno.
weird. one minute im happie the next im not.
no ones online ):

all said & done 4:49 PM.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

i've decided to finally update again.
yesterday i went back to mgs with stepf in the morning.
woke up at 0600. went to sch at 1000
met kwite a number of teachers and
it made me very happy to be back there again.
laoshi remembers me and that makes me happie.
i enjoyed every of her lessons. sucha motivating teacher!
then went to canteen ate sooo much.
the food in sch was so cheap!
then went out with rach lin n mok n isabel.
went to visit beks n yupp. think she's getting better
and i left the hospital at 2230
went supper with jie and reach home at 0145
was so tired then!

all said & done 11:03 PM.